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20230531 DCE 5.0 Enterprise Released

This page describes the latest features, optimizations, bug fixes, and compatibilities included in 20230531 DCE 5.0 Enterprise. Additionally, each product module in DCE 5.0 is independent and decoupled, and the product module versions involved in this release are included in the DCE 5.0 installer by default.

If you need to independently upgrade or replace a module, please contact Daocloud's after-sales support personnel to download the proper version and upgrade. Also, refer to DCE 5.0 Enterprise Deployment Requirements.


Module Version Compatible K8s Versions
Installer v0.8.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Global Management v0.17.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Kubean v0.5.4 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Container Management v0.18.1 K8s 1.18 -1.25
Network v0.7.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.25
Hwameistor v0.10.2 K8s 1.18 - 1.25
Insight v0.17.2 K8s 1.19 - 1.27
Workbench v0.17.3 K8s 1.23- 1.25
Multicloud Management v0.9.1 K8s 1.18 - 1.25
Microservice engine v0.22.0 K8s 1.23- 1.25
Service Mesh v0.16.2 K8s 1.21 - 1.25
Middleware RabbitMQ v0.11.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Middleware MySQL v0.9.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Middleware ElasticSearch v0.8.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Middleware Redis v0.8.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Middleware MinIO v0.6.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Middleware PostgreSQL v0.2.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Middleware Kafka v0.6.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25
Container Registry v0.8.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.25

New Features and Optimizations

Detailed feature descriptions are included in the Release Notes of each version in the table above. Here is a brief description of some new features and optimizations.

Installer v0.8.0

  • Added support for external JFrog images and charts repository
  • Added support for Other Linux (OpenAnolis 8.8 GA) with Yum-type package management
  • Added support for hybrid architecture deployment solutions

Insight v0.17.2

  • Added support for viewing details of active and historical alert alerts
  • Added support for quickly creating quiet rules through alerts
  • Added support for SMS notifications for alerts
  • Added support for sending test information via email notifications
  • Added support for custom email subject in message templates for email notifications
  • Added variable explanations to message templates
  • Added default high availability support for Insight Server components

Microservice Engine v0.22.2

  • Added support for hosting Nacos 2.2.x versions
  • Added support for configuring gateway link information
  • Added support for expanding gateway capabilities through plugins, including jwt, Auth, wasm, and global flow control
  • Added OpenAPI document publishing process
  • Added support for port-based traffic governance for cloud native microservices, including load balancing, outlier detection, and service fusing
  • Added support for domain-level black-and-white list functions

Service Mesh v0.16.2

  • Added support for multi-workload sidecar operations
  • Added status display for mesh control plane components
  • Added support for upgrading sidecars with multi-workloads

Multicloud Management v0.9.1

  • Added support for tag and annotation form editing feature for Service

Container Management v0.18.1

  • Added inspection report download
  • Added global audit log for high-priority operations
  • Added timeout processing for connecting to Minio
  • Improved CloudShell from using ConfigMap for KubeConfig mounting to using Secret for KubeConfig mounting
  • Improved the backup policy cluster drop-down list creation, added a switch that filters and creates backup strategies for clusters that have been created
  • Fixed etcdbrctl image offline issue
  • Fixed image selector unable to select images
  • Fixed rendering of repo address when creating a cluster

Kubean v0.5.4

  • Added Flannel, kube-ovn manifest configuration

Workbench v0.17.3

  • Added support for gray release policy based on nginx-ingress
  • Added API support for resource topology of applications


  • Added configurable instance monitoring data collection interval for MySQL
  • Added configurable anti-affinity for Redis instances
  • Added support for PostgreSQL

Container Registry v0.8.0

  • Added support for image recycling, supporting manual/timed/simulated recycling
  • Added support for adding description information to images
  • Improved generated login instructions to support switching image instances on the instruction generation page
  • Improved the registry space list to add instance status
  • Improved support for randomly generating nodeport port numbers when creating hosted Harbor

Global Management v0.17.1

  • Added access management function, supporting the use of DCE5.0 as a user source to connect to other platforms
  • Added workspace/folder authorization supports displaying role permission details
  • Added support for downloading audit logs in Excel and CSV formats
  • Added billing reports for pod, namespace, and workspace. All reports support to download in Excel and CSV formats.
  • Improved username/user group name to support . and @
  • Improved the default platform language to automatically detect browser preference
  • Improved audit logs: system and user logs are displayed separately
  • Improved prohibited removal of admin user's admin role or editing of admin permissions.

Upgrade Notes

  • Insight: When upgrading the insight agent from v0.16.x (or lower) to v0.17.x, since the kube-prometheus-stack chart version has been upgraded from 41.9.1 to 45.28.1, and some fields in the used CRD need to be upgraded manually, refer to Insight upgrade notes for details.

  • Microservice Engine: The database initialization component sweet has been deprecated since v0.22.0 and will be completely removed in version 0.23.0 and later. Starting from v0.22.0, data tables will be automatically synchronized and updated without manual intervention.

  • Global Management: When upgrading from v0.15.x (or lower) to v0.17.0 (or higher), the format of the database connection helm parameters needs to be modified. Refer to Offline upgrade global management for details.

Known Issues

  • Container Registry: Expired login instructions will cause the service to become unavailable. Please extend the expiration time in a timely manner when using login instructions. This issue will be fixed in the hotfix version.

  • Installer: In the offline scenario, when an external OS Repo repository is used, that is, osRepos.type=external is defined in clusterConfig.yaml , it is not possible to create a worker cluster in container management after the successful deployment of DCE5.0. Refer to the documentation for solutions.



Global Management: Once global management is upgraded to v0.17.0 or v0.16.0 and above versions, other modules must be upgraded to the proper version, otherwise the UI cannot be accessed properly!**

Modules Supported by Global Management v0.17.0 Modules Supported by Global Management v0.16.0
Container Management v0.18.1 and above Container Management v0.17.0 and above
Insight v0.17.2 and above Insight v0.16.0 and above
Workbench v0.17.3 and above Workbench v0.16.0 and above
Multicloud Management v0.9.1 and above Multicloud Management v0.8.0 and above
Microservice Engine v0.22.0 and above Microservice Engine v0.21.1 and above
Service Mesh v0.16.2 and above Service Mesh v0.15.0 and above
Middleware RabbitMQ v0.11.0 and above Middleware RabbitMQ v0.10.1 and above
Middleware MySQL v0.9.0 and above Middleware MySQL v0.8.1 and above
Middleware ElasticSearch v0.8.0 and above Middleware ElasticSearch v0.7.1 and above
Middleware Redis v0.8.0 and above Middleware Redis v0.7.1 and above
Middleware MinIO v0.6.0 and above Middleware MinIO v0.5.1 and above
Middleware Kafka v0.6.0 and above Middleware Kafka v0.5.1 and above
Middleware PostgreSQL v0.2.0 and above Middleware PostgreSQL v0.1.0 and above
Container Registry v0.8.0 and above Container Registry v0.7.0 and above
