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Create a Redis instance

After accessing the Redis cache service, follow the steps below to create a Redis instance.

  1. In the instance list of the Redis cache service, click the New Instance button.

    New instance

  2. On the Create Redis Instance page, after configuring Basic Information , click Next .

    Basic info

  3. After configuring Spec Settings including deployment type, CPU quota, memory quota, storage class and capacity, click Next . Currently there are three deployment type:

    • Standalone: Standalone mode has only master node. In case of fault, data reliability cannot be guaranteed.

    • Sentinel: When the master node fails, the standby node automatically upgrades to become the master node, ensuring high availability of the service.

    • Cluster : Cluster mode supports multiple standby nodes and multiple master nodes, which can meet users' demands for low latency and high-performance.

    Spec settings

  4. Set Service Settings such as username and password, and ClusterIP is used as the access method by default.

    Service settings

  5. After confirming that the basic information, specification configuration, and service settings are correct, click OK .


  6. Return to the instance list, and the screen will prompt Instance created successfully . The status of the newly created instance is Not Ready , and it will become Running after a while.

