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Namespace Exclusive Nodes

Namespace exclusive nodes in a Kubernetes cluster allow a specific namespace to have exclusive access to one or more node's CPU, memory, and other resources through taints and tolerations. Once exclusive nodes are configured for a specific namespace, applications and services from other namespaces cannot run on the exclusive nodes. Using exclusive nodes allows important applications to have exclusive access to some computing resources, achieving physical isolation from other applications.


Applications and services running on a node before it is set to be an exclusive node will not be affected and will continue to run normally on that node. Only when these Pods are deleted or rebuilt will they be scheduled to other non-exclusive nodes.


Check whether the kube-apiserver of the current cluster has enabled the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers.

The use of namespace exclusive nodes requires users to enable the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers on the kube-apiserver. For more information about admission controllers, refer to Kubernetes Admission Controllers Reference.

You can go to any Master node in the current cluster to check whether these two features are enabled in the kube-apiserver.yaml file, or you can execute the following command on the Master node for a quick check:

[root@g-master1 ~]# cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml | grep  enable-admission-plugins

# The expected output is as follows:
- --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector,PodTolerationRestriction

Enable Namespace Exclusive Nodes on Global Cluster

Since the Global cluster runs platform basic components such as kpanda, ghippo, and insight, enabling namespace exclusive nodes on Global may cause system components to not be scheduled to the exclusive nodes when they restart, affecting the overall high availability of the system. Therefore, we generally do not recommend users to enable the namespace exclusive node feature on the Global cluster.

If you do need to enable namespace exclusive nodes on the Global cluster, please follow the steps below:

  1. Enable the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers for the kube-apiserver of the Global cluster


    If the cluster has already enabled the above two admission controllers, please skip this step and go directly to configure system component tolerations.

    Go to any Master node in the current cluster to modify the kube-apiserver.yaml configuration file, or execute the following command on the Master node for configuration:

    [root@g-master1 ~]# vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
    # The expected output is as follows:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    - command:
        - kube-apiserver
        - --default-not-ready-toleration-seconds=300
        - --default-unreachable-toleration-seconds=300
        - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction   #List of enabled admission controllers
        - --enable-aggregator-routing=False
        - --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true
        - --endpoint-reconciler-type=lease
        - --etcd-cafile=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/etcd/ca.crt

    Find the --enable-admission-plugins parameter and add the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers (separated by commas). Refer to the following:

    # Add __ ,PodNodeSelector,PodTolerationRestriction__ 
    - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector,PodTolerationRestriction 
  2. Add toleration annotations to the namespace where the platform components are located

    After enabling the admission controllers, you need to add toleration annotations to the namespace where the platform components are located to ensure the high availability of the platform components.

    The system component namespaces for DCE 5.0 are as follows:

    Namespace System Components Included
    kpanda-system kpanda
    hwameiStor-system hwameiStor
    istio-system istio
    metallb-system metallb
    cert-manager-system cert-manager
    contour-system contour
    kubean-system kubean
    ghippo-system ghippo
    kcoral-system kcoral
    kcollie-system kcollie
    insight-system insight, insight-agent:
    ipavo-system ipavo
    kairship-system kairship
    karmada-system karmada
    amamba-system amamba, jenkins
    skoala-system skoala
    mspider-system mspider
    mcamel-system mcamel-rabbitmq, mcamel-elasticsearch, mcamel-mysql, mcamel-redis, mcamel-kafka, mcamel-minio, mcamel-postgresql
    spidernet-system spidernet
    kangaroo-system kangaroo
    gmagpie-system gmagpie
    dowl-system dowl

    Check whether there are the above namespaces in the current cluster, execute the following command, and add the annotation: '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "ExclusiveNamespace"}]' for each namespace.

    kubectl annotate ns <namespace-name> '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": 
    "NoSchedule", "key": "ExclusiveNamespace"}]'
    Please make sure to replace <namespace-name> with the name of the platform namespace you want to add the annotation to.

  3. Use the interface to set exclusive nodes for the namespace

    After confirming that the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers on the cluster API server have been enabled, please follow the steps below to use the DCE 5.0 UI management interface to set exclusive nodes for the namespace.

    1. Click the cluster name in the cluster list page, then click Namespace in the left navigation bar.


    2. Click the namespace name, then click the Exclusive Node tab, and click Add Node on the bottom right.

      Add Node

    3. Select which nodes you want to be exclusive to this namespace on the left side of the page. On the right side, you can clear or delete a selected node. Finally, click OK at the bottom.


    4. You can view the current exclusive nodes for this namespace in the list. You can choose to Stop Exclusivity on the right side of the node.

      After cancelling exclusivity, Pods from other namespaces can also be scheduled to this node.

      Cancel Exclusivity

Enable Namespace Exclusive Nodes on Non-Global Clusters

To enable namespace exclusive nodes on non-Global clusters, please follow the steps below:

  1. Enable the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers for the kube-apiserver of the current cluster


    If the cluster has already enabled the above two admission controllers, please skip this step and go directly to using the interface to set exclusive nodes for the namespace.

    Go to any Master node in the current cluster to modify the kube-apiserver.yaml configuration file, or execute the following command on the Master node for configuration:

    [root@g-master1 ~]# vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
    # The expected output is as follows:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    - command:
        - kube-apiserver
        - --default-not-ready-toleration-seconds=300
        - --default-unreachable-toleration-seconds=300
        - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction   #List of enabled admission controllers
        - --enable-aggregator-routing=False
        - --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true
        - --endpoint-reconciler-type=lease
        - --etcd-cafile=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/etcd/ca.crt

    Find the --enable-admission-plugins parameter and add the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers (separated by commas). Refer to the following:

    # Add __ ,PodNodeSelector,PodTolerationRestriction__ 
    - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector,PodTolerationRestriction 
  2. Use the interface to set exclusive nodes for the namespace

    After confirming that the PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction admission controllers on the cluster API server have been enabled, please follow the steps below to use the DCE 5.0 UI management interface to set exclusive nodes for the namespace.

    1. Click the cluster name in the cluster list page, then click Namespace in the left navigation bar.


    2. Click the namespace name, then click the Exclusive Node tab, and click Add Node on the bottom right.

      Add Node

    3. Select which nodes you want to be exclusive to this namespace on the left side of the page. On the right side, you can clear or delete a selected node. Finally, click OK at the bottom.


    4. You can view the current exclusive nodes for this namespace in the list. You can choose to Stop Exclusivity on the right side of the node.

      After cancelling exclusivity, Pods from other namespaces can also be scheduled to this node.

      Cancel Exclusivity

  3. Add toleration annotations to the namespace where the components that need high availability are located (optional)

    Execute the following command to add the annotation: '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "ExclusiveNamespace"}]' to the namespace where the components that need high availability are located.

    kubectl annotate ns <namespace-name> '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": 
    "NoSchedule", "key": "ExclusiveNamespace"}]'

    Please make sure to replace <namespace-name> with the name of the platform namespace you want to add the annotation to.
