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DCE 5.0 has two versions: DCE Community and DCE 5.0 Enterprise.

  • DCE Community includes Container Management, Global Management, and Insight modules, which can be used for free permanently.

  • DCE 5.0 Enterprise can be purchased on demand with advanced modules such as Service Mesh, Microservice Engine, Multicloud Management, Data Middleware, Container Registry, Cloud Edge Collaboration, and Containerized VM on the basis of DCE Community. It has more comprehensive features and applicable to a variety of production environments.

Releases Modules Description
DCE Community Permanently free license, the 3 modules will receive continuous updates, and you can download offline packages for sub-modules anytime.
DCE 5.0 Enterprise

On top of DCE Community, more modules are added:

Contact us for licensing: email or call 400 002 6898. You can freely combine the modules as needed, and download offline packages for sub-modules anytime.

Install DCE Community

The installation process of DCE Community is as follows:

flowchart TB

subgraph second[Instructions]
    direction TB
    U[ ] -.-
    free[Apply for free trial] --- kpanda[Container Management]
    kpanda --- ghippo[Global Management]
    ghippo --- insight[Insight]
    insight -.- ask[ASK!!!]

subgraph first[Install DCE Community]
    direction TB
    S[ ] -.-
    plan[Resource Planning] --> k8s[Prepare K8s Cluster]
    k8s --> tools[Install Dependencies]
    tools -.-> kind[Online Install with kind]
    tools -.-> s1[Online Install with K8s]
    tools -.-> s2[Offline Install with K8s]

start([fa:fa-user DCE Community<br>Installation Process]) --> first
start --> second

classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:1px,color:#326ce5;

class plan,k8s,tools,kind,s1,s2,kpanda,ghippo,insight,free,ask cluster;
class start k8s
class S,U spacewhite

click plan ""
click k8s ""
click tools ""
click kind ""
click s1 ""
click s2 ""
click kpanda ""
click ghippo ""
click insight ""
click free ""
click ask ""


Click the blue text in the diagram, you can go to the proper page for details.

Install DCE 5.0 Enterprise

The installation process of DCE 5.0 Enterprise is as follows:

flowchart TB

    start([fa:fa-user DCE 5.0 Enterprise<br>Installation Process]) -.- arch[Learn Deployment Architecture]
    arch --> deploy[Check Deployment Requirements]
    deploy --> prepare[Prepare Environment]
    prepare --> download[Download Offline Package]
    download --> config[Edit<br>clusterConfig.yaml]

    config -.-> other-k8s[Install on<br>Different K8s]
    config -.-> install[Normal Installation]
    config -.-> other-os[Install on<br>Different Linux]

    other-k8s -.-> ocp[Install on<br>OpenShift OCP]
    other-k8s -.-> ali[Install on<br>Alibaba Cloud ECS]

    other-os -.-> uos[Install on UOS]
    other-os -.-> oracle[Install on<br>Oracle Linux]
    other-os -.-> tencent[Install on<br>TencentOS Server]
    other-os -.-> other[Install on<br>Other Linux]

classDef grey fill:#dddddd,stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000000, font-size:15px;
classDef white fill:#ffffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000,font-weight:bold
classDef spacewhite fill:#ffffff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:0px,color:#000
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:1px,color:#326ce5;

class arch,deploy,prepare,download,config,install,ocp,ali,uos,oracle,tencent,other cluster
class start,other-k8s,other-os k8s

click arch ""
click deploy ""
click prepare ""
click download ""
click config ""
click install ""
click ocp ""
click ali ""
click uos ""
click oracle ""
click tencent ""
click other ""

Contact us

The installation guide may change. Please bookmark this page and follow the update information.

  • If you have any installation or usage problems, please give us a feedback.

  • Scan the QR code and communicate with developers freely:

    DCE Community Exchange Group

Download DCE 5.0 Free Trial
