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This YAML file contains various fields of the cluster, and must be configured before installation. This file will define key parameters such as deployment mode and cluster node information. By default it is located in the offline/sample/ directory.

ClusterConfig Example

The following is an example of ClusterConfig.yaml.

kind: ClusterConfig
  clusterName: my-cluster

  # The domain name or IP address of the bootstrap node, by default resolves to the IP of the default gateway on the bootstrap node's network interface. You can manually enter an IP or domain name. If it is a domain name and unable to be resolved, an automatic mapping will be created between this domain name and the default IP of the bootstrap node.
  # bootstrapNode: auto

  # Configuration for bootstrap clusters, with default values below
  #  # Container name for the Kind cluster
  #  instanceName: my-cluster-installer
  #  # Host path where the Kind cluster will be mounted
  #  resourcesMountPath: /home/kind
  #  registryPort: 443
  #  minioServerPort: 9000
  #  minioConsolePort: 9001
  #  chartmuseumPort: 8081


    # NodePort (default), metallb, cloudLB (Cloud Controller is not supported currently)
    type: metallb
    istioGatewayVip: xx.xx.xx.xx/32 # Required when loadBalancer.type is metallb, providing UI and OpenAPI access for DCE
    insightVip: xx.xx.xx.xx/32 # Do not discard /32, required when loadBalancer.type is metallb, used as the Insight data collection entry point for the global cluster, where the insight-agent of sub-clusters can report data to

  # Specify SSH private key, no need to define ansibleUser and ansiblePass for nodes after defining this
  # privateKeyPath: /root/.ssh/id_rsa_sample

    - nodeName: "g-master1" # nodeName overrides hostName, should comply with RFC1123 standard
      ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "dangerous"
      #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
      #ansibleExtraArgs: "" # "ansible_shell_executable='/bin/sh' ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/local/bin/python'" , format: "k='v'  k1='v1'  k2='v2' "
    - nodeName: "g-master2"
      ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "dangerous"
      #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
      #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
    - nodeName: "g-master3"
      ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "dangerous"
      #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
      #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
    - nodeName: "g-worker1"
      ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "dangerous"
      #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
      #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
      nodeTaints:     # For the 7-node mode: At least 3 worker nodes should have a taint applied (only for ES nodes). If an external ES is used, there is no need to add this taint.
       - ""
      # nodeLabels:
      # g-worker1
    - nodeName: "g-worker2"
      ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "dangerous"
      #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
      #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
       - ""
      # nodeLabels:
      # g-worker2
    - nodeName: "g-worker3"
      ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "dangerous"
      #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
      #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
       - ""
      # nodeLabels:
      # g-worker3

  # ntpServer:
    # -
    # -
    # -

  fullPackagePath: "/root/offline" # The path to the extracted offline package, this field is required in offline mode.

  osRepos: # OS source

    # Support official-service(default), builtin
    type: builtin
    isoPath: "/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso"
    osPackagePath: "/root/os-pkgs-centos7-v0.4.4.tar.gz"

    # type: external
    # Set the block below only if target is S3-compatible storage which need to upload files automatically(e.g. minio).
    # isoPath: "/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso"
    # osPackagePath: "/root/os-pkgs-centos7-v0.4.4.tar.gz"
    # externalRepoEndpoint:
    # externalRepoUsername: rootuser
    # externalRepoPassword: rootpass123

    # type: external
    # Set the block below if target is other storage which cannot or does not need to upload automatically(e.g. nginx).
    # That requires you to import the required packages(iso, os-pkgs) manually if not all the required offline resources exist.
    # `centos` as CentOS, RedHat, kylin, AlmaLinux, Fedora or Openeuler
    # `debian` as Debian
    # `ubuntu` as Ubuntu
    # externalRepoType: centos
    # externalRepoURLs: ['\$releasever/os/\$basearch/']

  imagesAndCharts: # Container registry and Chart repo source

    # official-service(default), builtin or external

    type: builtin

    # type: external
    # IP or domain name
    # externalImageRepo:
    # Set user and password. Optional
    # externalImageRepoUsername: admin
    # externalImageRepoPassword: Harbor12345
    # chartmuseum or harbor
    # externalChartRepoType: chartmuseum
    # IP or domain name
    # externalChartRepo:
    # Set user and password. Optional
    # externalChartRepoUsername: rootuser
    # externalChartRepoPassword: rootpass123

  addonPackage: # offline package of app store addon, perform offline deployment for addon after this is defined
    # path: "/root/addon-offline-full-package-v0.4.8-amd64.tar.gz"

  binaries: # binary files

    # official-service(default), builtin
    type: builtin

    # type: external
    # IP or domain name
    # externalRepository:

  #  database:
  #    kpanda:
  #      - dbDriverName: "mysql"
  #        # Please refer
  #        dataSourceName: "user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname"
  #        # readwrite(default) or readonly
  #        accessType: readwrite
  #        # The maximum number of open connections to the database.
  #        #maxOpenConnections: 100
  #        # The maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
  #        #maxIdleConnections: 10
  #        # The maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
  #        #connectionMaxLifetimeSeconds: 3600
  #        # The maximum amount of time a connection may be idle.
  #        #connectionMaxIdleSeconds: 1800
  #    ghippoApiserver:
  #      - dbDriverName: "mysql"
  #        dataSourceName: "user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname"
  #    ghippoKeycloak:
  #      - dbDriverName: "mysql"
  #        dataSourceName: "user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname"
  #    ghippoAuditserver:
  #      - dbDriverName: "mysql"
  #        dataSourceName: "user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname"
  #  elasticsearch:
  #    insight:
  #      endpoint: "https://xx.xx.xx.xx:9200"
  #      insecure: false
  #      # basic auth
  #      username: "username"
  #      password: "password"
  #  kafka:
  #    brokers:
  #      - host1:9092
  #      - host2:9092
  #    # the username and password of kafka is not necessary
  #    username: "username"
  #    password: "password"
  #  S3Storage:
  #    default:
  #      endpoint: "xx.xx.xx.xx:9000"
  #      # Set if you dont want to verify the certificate.
  #      insecure: true
  #      bucket: "bucketname"
  #      accessKey: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-HERE"
  #      secretKey: "YOUR-SECRET-KEY-HERE"

  # Examples as below. More refer to kubespray options setting documentations.
  #kubeanConfig: |-
  #  this config will set the timezone of nodes , and it won't change timezone if this config is commented out.
  #  ntp_timezone: Asia/Shanghai
  #  # Enable recommended node sysctl settings
  #  node_sysctl_tuning: true
  #  # Extra node sysctl settings while node_sysctl_tuning is enabled
  #  extra_sysctl: [{ name: net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time, value: 700 }]
  #  bin_dir: /usr/local/bin
  #  http_proxy: ""
  #  https_proxy: ""
  #  upstream_dns_servers:
  #    -
  #    -
  #  docker_mount_device: /dev/sdc
  #  docker_storage_options: "-s overlay2 --storage-opt overlay2.size=1G"

  # k8sVersion only take effect in online mode, don't set it in offline mode.
  # Unless to install a non-latest k8s version with offline pkg in place.
  #k8sVersion: v1.29.5
  #  logPath: /var/log/audit/kube-apiserver-audit.log
  #  logHostPath: /var/log/kubernetes/audit
  #  #policyFile: /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy/apiserver-audit-policy.yaml
  #  #logMaxAge: 30
  #  #logMaxBackups: 10
  #  #logMaxSize: 100
  #  #policyCustomRules: >
  #  #  - level: None
  #  #    users: []
  #  #    verbs: []
  #  #    resources: []
  #  cni: calico
  #  clusterCIDR:
  #  serviceCIDR:
  #  criProvider: containerd
  #  # criVersion only take effect in online mode, don't set it in offline mode
  #  #criVersion: 1.7.0
  #  # skip provision of CRI, default false. Currently only works with docker.
  #  #skipProvision: false

  #  # there are only 2 modes of renew certs: `onetime` or `cyclical`, default value is `cyclical`.
  #  #mode: cyclical
  #  # 1. When mode is set to `cyclical`, certificate renewal will be performed on a timer in a cyclical manner.
  #  #mode: cyclical
  #  # 2. When mode is set to `onetime`, certificate renewal will be completed at once, and you can set the validity days of the certificate.
  #  #mode: onetime
  #  # valid days can be set when in `onetime` mode, default valid days is 3650.
  #  #oneTimeValidDays: 3650

Key fields

For key field descriptions in this YAML file, see the table below.

Field Description Default Value
clusterName Name of the Global cluster within Kubean Cluster -
tinderKind Configuration for the bootstrap cluster -
tinderKind.instanceName Container name for the bootstrap cluster -
tinderKind.resourcesMountPath Host path where the Kind cluster will be mounted /home/kind
tinderKind.registryPort Port of the container registry in the Kind cluster 443
tinderKind.minioServerPort Port of the MinIO Server in the Kind cluster 9000
tinderKind.minioConsolePort Port of the MinIO Console in the Kind cluster 9001
tinderKind.chartmuseumPort Port of the ChartMuseum in the Kind cluster 8081
masterNodes List of Master nodes in the Global cluster, including nodeName/ip/ansibleUser/ansiblePass fields -
masterNodes.nodeName Node name that overrides hostName -
masterNodes.ip Node IP -
masterNodes.ansibleUser Node account -
masterNodes.ansiblePass Node password -
masterNodes.ansibleSSHPort ssh port, default is 22 22
masterNodes.ansibleExtraArgs Specify additional arguments for the Ansible inventory -
workerNodes List of Worker nodes in the Global cluster, including nodeName/ip/ansibleUser/ansiblePass fields -
privateKeyPath Path to the SSH private key file for deploying the cluster. If specified, ansibleUser and ansiblePass are not required -
k8sVersion K8s version for installing the cluster, must match KuBean and offline package -
loadBalancer.insightVip VIP used for Insight data collection in the Global cluster, required when loadBalancer.type is metallb -
loadBalancer.istioGatewayVip VIP used for DCE UI and OpenAPI access when loadBalancer.type is metallb -
loadBalancer.type Load balancer mode used, metallb for physical environments, NodePort for POC, cloudLB (not supported currently) for public cloud and SDN CNI environments NodePort (default), metallb, cloudLB (Cloud Controller)
loadBalancer.SourceIP Side effect: Unable to perform load balancing at the node level when obtaining source IP from audit logs. auto
fullPackagePath Path to the extracted offline package, required in offline mode -
addonPackage.path Local file system path for the application store addon package -
imagesAndCharts Container registry and Chart repository sources -
imagesAndCharts.externalChartRepo IP or domain name of the external Chart repository -
imagesAndCharts.externalChartRepoPassword Password for the external Chart repository, used for image push -
imagesAndCharts.externalChartRepoType Type of the external Chart repository, either chartmuseum or harbor -
imagesAndCharts.externalChartRepoUsername Username for the external Chart repository, used for image push -
imagesAndCharts.externalImageRepo IP or domain name of the external container registry with protocol header specified -
imagesAndCharts.externalImageRepoPassword Password for the external container registry, used for image push -
imagesAndCharts.externalImageRepoUsername Username for the external container registry, used for image push -
imagesAndCharts.type Access mode for images and charts, official-service (online), buitin (bootstrap built-in registry and chartmuseum), external official-service
auditConfig Audit log configuration for the k8s api-server Disabled by default
binaries Executable binary files -
binaries.externalRepository Access address of the external binary executable file repository in URL format -
binaries.type Access mode for executable binary files, official-service (online), builtin (MinIO built-in in bootstrap nodes) official-service
network.clusterCIDR Cluster CIDR -
network.cni CNI selection, such as Calico, Cilium calico
network.serviceCIDR Service CIDR -
ntpServer Available NTP servers for time synchronization of new nodes -
osRepos Operating system software repositories -
osRepos.externalRepoType Operating system type of the external software repository, centos (all Red Hat series), debian, ubuntu -
osRepos.externalRepoURLs Access addresses of the external software repositories -
osRepos.isoPath Path to the operating system ISO file, required when type is builtin -
osRepos.osPackagePath Path to the system package file, required when type is builtin -
osRepos.type Access mode for the operating system software repository, either official-service (online) or builtin (MinIO built-in in bootstrap nodes) official-service
kubeanConfig.ntp_timezone Timezone setting for the nodes, if not configured, it will default to the timezone in the nodes -
kubeanConfig.node_sysctl_tuning Enable to adjust the Systemctl kernel parameters for the Global cluster false
kubeanConfig.extra_sysctl Set additional Systemctl kernel parameters /usr/local/bin
externalMiddlewares External middlewares -
externalMiddlewares.database External database -
externalMiddlewares.database.ghippoApiserver Configuration for the external ghippoApiserver database -
externalMiddlewares.database.ghippoAuditserver Configuration for the external ghippoAuditserver database -
externalMiddlewares.database.ghippoKeycloak Configuration for the external ghippoKeycloak database -
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda Configuration for the external kpanda database -
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].accessType Access type for the external kpanda database, either readwrite or readonly readwrite
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].driver Database type for the external kpanda database, currently only supports mysql mysql
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].dataSourceName Data source information for connecting to the external kpanda database, refer to -
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].maxOpenConnections Maximum number of open connections for the external kpanda database 10
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].maxIdleConnections Maximum number of idle connections for the external kpanda database 10
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].connectionMaxLifetimeSeconds Maximum connection lifetime in seconds for the external kpanda database 0
externalMiddlewares.database.kpanda[0].connectionMaxIdleTimeSeconds Maximum idle connection time in seconds for the external kpanda database 0
externalMiddleware.elasticsearch External Elasticsearch -
externalMiddleware.elasticsearch.insight Configuration for the external Elasticsearch used by Insight -
externalMiddleware.elasticsearch.insight.endpoint Access endpoint for the external Elasticsearch used by Insight -
externalMiddleware.elasticsearch.insight.anonymous Enable anonymous access to the external Elasticsearch used by Insight, either true or false. When set to true, credentials should not be provided false
externalMiddleware.elasticsearch.insight.username Username for accessing the external Elasticsearch used by Insight -
externalMiddleware.elasticsearch.insight.password Password for accessing the external Elasticsearch used by Insight -
externalMiddleware.kafka External Kafka
externalMiddleware.kafka.insight Configuration for Insight to use external Kafka
externalMiddleware.kafka.insight.brokers Broker addresses
externalMiddleware.kafka.insight.username Access username for Insight to use external Kafka Optional
externalMiddleware.kafka.insight.password Access password for Insight to use external Kafka Optional
renewCerts Certificate renewal for the cluster -
renewCerts.mode Two modes for certificate renewal, supports cyclical and onetime -

Simplified configuration instructions

In the offline mode, use the builtin method to install

The builtin mode means that the required third-party software (such as ChartMuseum, Minio, Docker registry) will be deployed and provided by the installer for use in the DCE 5.0 platform.

kind: ClusterConfig
   creationTimestamp: null
   clusterName: my-cluster
     - nodeName: "g-master1" # (1)!
       ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
       ansibleUser: "root"
       ansiblePass: "dangerous"
   fullPackagePath: "/root/offline"
     type: builtin # (2)!
     isoPath: "/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso"
     osPackagePath: "/root/os-pkgs-centos7-v0.4.4.tar.gz"
     type: builtin # (3)!
    #  - "/root/standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz"
    #  - "/root/gpu-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz"
     type: builtin # (4)!
  1. nodeName will override hostName and should comply with RFC1123 standards.
  2. official-service (if omit or empty), builtin, or external.
  3. official-service (if omit or empty), builtin, or external. Currently, External S3 is not supported... FIXME.
  4. official-service (if omitted or empty), builtin, or external.

Installation in external mode in offline mode

The external mode means that the required third-party software (such as ChartMuseum, Minio, and Docker registry) does not need to be installed by the installer. Instead, the user provides the addresses for these services to be used by the DCE 5.0 platform.

kind: ClusterConfig
   creationTimestamp: null
   clusterName: my-cluster
     # nodeName will override hostName, should conform to RFC1123 standard
     - nodeName: "g-master1"
       ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
       ansibleUser: "root"
       ansiblePass: "dangerous"

   fullPackagePath: "/root/offline"
     # official-service(if omit or empty), builtin or external
     type: external
     # Optional only if external repo already have full required resources
     isoPath: "/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso"
     # Optional only if external repo already have full required resources
     osPackagePath: "/root/os-pkgs-centos7-v0.4.4.tar.gz"
     # `centos` as CentOS, RedHat, kylin AlmaLinux or Fedora
     # `debian` as Debian
     # `ubuntu` as Ubuntu
     externalRepoType: centos
     externalRepoURLs: ["\$releasever/os/\$basearch/"]
     # official-service(if omit or empty), builtin or external
     # Not Support External S3 so far... FIXME
     type: external
     # Optional only if external repo already have full required resources
     # IP or domain name
     externalImageRepoUsername: admin
     externalImageRepoPassword: Harbor12345
     #chartmuseum or harbor
     externalChartRepoType: chartmuseum
     # IP or domain name
     externalChartUsername: rootuser
     externalChartMuseumPassword: rootpass123
     path: "/root/addon-offline-full-package-v0.4.8-amd64.tar.gz"
     # official-service(if omit or empty), builtin or external
     type: external
     # Optional only if external repo already have full required resources
     # IP or domain name

Online mode is installed by official-service

In the official-service mode, when users choose to install DCE 5.0 online, the resources used by the DCE 5.0 platform will be obtained from DaoCloud's official repository.

kind: ClusterConfig
   creationTimestamp: null
   clusterName: my-cluster
     # nodeName will override hostName, should conform to RFC1123 standard
     - nodeName: "g-master1"
       ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
       ansibleUser: "root"
       ansiblePass: "dangerous"

Generate a clusterConfig template on CLI

1-node mode

# Official online
./dce5-installergenerate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=1 --access-type=official-service
# Official online simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=1

# Built-in offline
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=1 --access-type=builtin
# Built-in offline simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=1 --access-type=builtin

# Extend offline
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=1 --access-type=external
# Extended offline simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=1 --access-type=external

4-node Mode

# Official online
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=3 --access-type=official-service
# Official online simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=3

# Built-in offline
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=3 --access-type=builtin
# Built-in offline simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=3 --access-type=builtin

# Extend offline
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=3 --access-type=external
# Extended offline simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=3 --access-type=external

7-node Mode

# Official online
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=3 --worker=3 --access-type=official-service
# Official online simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=3 --worker=3

# Built-in offline
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=3 --worker=3 --access-type=builtin
# Built-in offline simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=3 --worker=3 --access-type=builtin

# Extend offline
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=cluster-create --master=3 --worker=3 --access-type=external
# Extended offline simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --master=3 --worker=3 --access-type=external

DCE Community

# Official online
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=install-app --access-type=official-service

# Official online simplified version
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=install-app

# Built-in offline:
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=install-app --access-type=builtin

# Extend offline:
./dce5-installer generate-config --install-mode=install-app --access-type=external
