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Deploy DCE 5.0 All-in-One

This document explains how to deploy DCE 5.0 on an all-in-one machine.

Environment Preparation

First, you need to prepare a good network environment and capacity planning.

Network Requirements


  • Usually, the all-in-one machine has multiple network cards or one network card with multiple ports, so it is recommended to create a Bond and make the Bond with LACP port group highly available.
  • It is not recommended to divide into multiple planes temporarily, and share one data plane.
  • The network port needs to be in trunk mode.

Reserved VLANs

At least 2 VLANs are required: 1 for BMC VLAN, 1 for management/business VLAN, and 1 for storage VLAN (optional). If you need to allocate "static IP" for Pods, you need to create sub-interfaces and allocate VLANs additionally.

Name Purpose
Management/Business VLAN Used for SSH, management interface, API, business traffic, load balancing, and internal communication within the cluster
BMC VLAN Used for BMC management of servers
Storage VLAN (optional) Used for local and remote storage access


Resource Requirement Description
istioGatewayVip 1 If the load balancing mode is metallb, you need to specify a VIP for the UI interface and OpenAPI access of DCE.
insightVip 1 If the load balancing mode is metallb, you need to specify a VIP for insight data collection of the Global cluster, and the insight-agent of the sub-cluster can report data to this VIP.
Protocol - Supports IPv6.
Reserved IP Address Range 2 ranges need to be reserved Used by Pods (default is and Services (default is If they are already in use, you can customize other network segments to avoid IP address conflicts.
Routing - The server has a default route or a route pointing to the address
NTP Server Addresses 1-4 Ensure that your data center has NTP server IP addresses that can be accessed.
DNS Server Addresses 1-2 If your application requires DNS services, please prepare DNS server IP addresses that can be accessed.

Network Ports

Port Requirements

Capacity Planning

CPU, Memory, Disk

Physical Machine CPU Memory containerd and k8s use the root disk by default Remarks
master01 >= 12 C >= 20 G 480G, SSD disk, RAID1 Recommended to allocate higher resources as "boostrap machine + cluster control node"
master02 >= 12 C >= 20 G 480G, SSD disk, RAID1 -
master03 >= 12 C >= 20 G 480G, SSD disk, RAID1 -

Environment Preparation Checklist

Category Check Item Level Result
Category Sufficient rack space (1 server requires 2U space) Required -
Sufficient power supply in the rack, each server at least has a rated power of 750W Required -
The rack has UPS power protection Optional -
Any special requirements for power cords (default provides 2 C13 standard power cords) Required -
Any special requirements for network cables (default provides 4 SFP+ optical modules or 4 5m LC-LC multimode fiber optic cables or 3m Cat6 network jumpers) Required -
Access to the all-in-one machine using Chrome browser (able to connect to the required VLAN) Required -
A switch for connecting to the BMC RJ45 port, 1 port per server needs to be reserved Required -
Two switches for connecting to the data traffic SFP+ ports, 2 ports per server need to be reserved, a total of 4 ports Recommended -
If it is not possible to configure "two redundant switches", at least one switch with SFP+ ports is required, 2 ports per server need to be reserved Required -
The ports connected to the SFP+ ports on the switch are configured as Trunk and allow the corresponding VLAN Required -
The switch connected to the SFP+ ports has enabled IPv4 and IPv6 multicast, ensuring multicast between switches Required -
If you are using redundant switches, configure the corresponding stacking Required -
Network At least 2 VLANs are required: 1 for BMC VLAN, 1 for management/business VLAN, and 1 for storage VLAN (optional) Required -
If you need to allocate "static IP" for Pods, you need to create sub-interfaces and allocate VLANs additionally Optional -
NTP server IP addresses accessible within the cluster Required -
If your application requires DNS services, prepare DNS server IP addresses accessible within the cluster Recommended -
Ensure that there are enough consecutive IP addresses in the reserved BMC VLAN for each server to have 1 IP address in that VLAN Required -
Ensure that there are enough consecutive IP addresses in the reserved management/business VLAN for each server to have 1 IP address, and the entire cluster needs an additional 1 IP address (management interface) Required -
The entire cluster needs an additional 2 IP addresses (istioGatewayVip, insightVip) Required -
Ensure that there are enough consecutive IP addresses in the reserved storage VLAN for each server to have 1 IP address in that VLAN Optional -
Reserved IP address range (used by Calico and Kube-Proxy), default is clusterCIDR:, serviceCIDR: If they are already in use, you can customize other network segments to avoid IP address conflicts. Required -
Capacity Planning Ensure that you have done capacity planning and the current cluster capacity (CPU, memory, network, disk) and performance can support your containerized business Required -
Ensure that in the event of an arbitrary server failure, the remaining cluster has sufficient capacity to support it Required -
If you plan to expand in the future, you need to prepare rack space, switch ports, and corresponding VLAN IP addresses in advance Recommended -

Installation Steps (3 Physical Machines)


Install Dependencies

Offline Installation

Start Installation

Precautions before installation:

  • Select one of the three physical machines as the boostrap machine to execute the deployment of DCE 5.0. in ClusterConfig.yaml ClusterConfig.yaml, the bootstrapNode parameter can specify the IP of the boostrap machine.

    kind: ClusterConfig
      clusterName: my-cluster
      # The domain name or IP of the boostrap node, which is resolved to the IP of the default gateway of the boostrap node by default;
      # You can manually enter the IP or domain name, if it is a domain name, if it is unable to resolve, an automatic mapping between this domain name and the default IP of the boostrap node will be established
      # bootstrapNode: auto  ## Automatically resolved by default
  • In ClusterConfig.yaml, configure the information of the 3 physical machines in masterNodes.

    kind: ClusterConfig
        - nodeName: "g-master1" # Physical machine 1 acts as the control plane node + boostrap node
          ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
          ansibleUser: "root"
          ansiblePass: "dangerous"
          #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
          #ansibleExtraArgs: "" 
        - nodeName: "g-master2"
          ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
          ansibleUser: "root"
          ansiblePass: "dangerous"
          #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
          #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
        - nodeName: "g-master3"
          ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
          ansibleUser: "root"
          ansiblePass: "dangerous"
          #ansibleSSHPort: "22"
          #ansibleExtraArgs: ""
