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Pipeline Template File

The pipeline template file mainly contains two parts: parameterDefinitions and jenkinsfileTemplate .

  • The parameterDefinitions section defines which parameters are exposed in the pipeline template. Multiple parameter types are supported, such as booleans, drop-down lists, credentials, passwords, and text.
  • The jenkinsfileTemplate section defines a jenkinsfile for the Jenkins pipeline and can reference the parameters exposed in parameterDefinitions part.

parameterDefinitions Section

Field Type Description Default Value Required
name string Parameter name - Required
displayName []byte Name displayed on the UI form, less than X characters "" Optional
description string Parameter description "" Optional
default json.Value Set a default value for the corresponding parameter nil Optional
type string Parameter type (booleans, drop-down lists, credentials, passwords, or text) string Required

Supported Parameter Types

  • boolean: a Boolean value, with a default value of either true or false
  • choice: a drop-down list, you need to populate default with multiple lines, for example,

    type: choice
    default: |
      choice 1
      choice 2
  • credential: a credential, which can obtain the credential list in the current workspace

  • password: a password
  • text: a text input box

Example Template File

  - name: gitCloneURL
    displayName: code repo address
    description: The git clone url of the source code
    type: string
  - name: gitRevision
    displayName: code repo branch
    description: The git revision of the source code
    type: string
    default: master
  - name: gitCredential
    displayName: credential
    description: The credential to access the source code
    type: credential
    default: ""
  - name: testCommand
    displayName: test command
    description: The command to run the test
    type: string
    default: go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.out
  - name: reportLocation
    displayName: test report location
    description: The location of the test report
    type: string
    default: ./target/**
  - name: dockerfilePath
    displayName: Dockerfile path
    description: The path of the Dockerfile
    type: string
    default: .
  - name: image
    displayName: target image address
    description: The target image to build
    type: string
  - name: tag
    displayName: tag
    description: The tag of the target image
    type: string
    default: latest
  - name: registryCredential
    displayName: container registry credentials
    description: The credential to access the container registry
    type: credential
    default: ""
jenkinsfileTemplate: |
  pipeline {
    agent {
      node {
        label 'go'
    environment {
      IMG = '{{.params.image}}:{{.params.tag}}'
    stages {
      stage('clone') {
        steps {
          container('go') {
            git(url: '{{ .params.gitCloneURL }}', branch: '{{ .params.gitRevision }}', credentialsId: '{{ .params.gitCredential }}')
      stage('test') {
        steps {
          container('go') {
            sh '{{ .params.testCommand }}'
            archiveArtifacts '{{ .params. reportLocation }}'
      stage('build') {
        steps {
          container('go') {
            sh 'docker build -f {{.params.dockerfilePath}} -t $IMG .'
          {{- if .params.registryCredential }}
            withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '{{ .params.registryCredential }}', passwordVariable: 'PASS', usernameVariable: 'USER',)]) {
              sh 'docker login {{ .params.image }} -u $USER -p $PASS'
              sh 'docker push $IMG'
          {{- else }}
            sh 'docker push $IMG'
          {{- end }}
